Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders In Coeliac Disease

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ISBN : 0 86196 537 X
Printed in: English

Coeliac disease may be manifested by gastrointestinal symptoms, or be silent, latent or ‘potential’. It may also be present with dermatitis herpetiformis, dental enamel defects or neurological disorders – especially epilepsy. In the case of the latter symptoms these appear mostly in relation to occipital seizures, frequently intractable. This book examines these, and other neurological manifestations.
This book brings together many of the results of the investigations and opinions of the world’s leading researchers in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, internal medicine, gastroenterology, immunology, genetics and imaging.
Contents include:
- Gluten intolerance
- Pathophysiological basis of neurological disorders in coeliac disease
- Epilepsy and coeliac disease (IWG)
- Frequency of epilepsy in coeliac disease and frequency of coeliac disease in epilepsy
- Aetiopathological basis to correlate epilepsy and coeliac disease
- Other diseases with epilepsy and cerebral calcification: differential diagnosis
- Neuroradiological findings
- Psychiatric disorders in coeliac disease
- Neurological disorders in coeliac disease
- Addendum section.