Progrès en Dermato-Allergologie - GERDA 2018

39e Cours d'actualisation, Dijon 2018

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Pages: 240
Format: 17 x 25 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1571-9
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1583-2
Printed in: French
Publication date: 10/10/2018

This annual refresher course organized by the Dermato-Allergology Study and Research Group (GERDA) takes stock of the progress made in cutaneous biology and immuno-allergology, two topics essential for an understanding of dermato-allergology.

An update eagerly awaited by medical specialists, researchers and health professionals interested in dermatological allergology and immunodermatology.



Evelyne Collet

Dermatologist – Allergist, Hôpital le Bocage, CHRU Dijon, 21000 Dijon



▪ Skin tests in contact eczema: Skin test materials and methods – Interpreting skin tests – Standard panel 2018 - Complication of tests – Relevance of tests – When not to test? – Practical clinical cases presented by various speakers: how to test products brought in by patients?

▪ Back to basics: Methodology of skin tests: what, when, where, how? – False positive skin tests in contact eczema - False negative skin tests in contact eczema – Atypical contact dermatitis

▪ Occupational dermatoses: Contact dermatitis in woodworkers – Acrylate dermatitis

▪ From mast cell to medicine: Disorders of mast cell activation – Diabetes and allergy - Toxicoderma to antitubercular agents

▪ Atopic dermatitis: Immunology of atopic dermatitis: news – Clinical aspects of atopic dermatitis: from the everyday to the rarest – Therapeutic news in atopic dermatitis

▪ Metal allergy: Contact dermatitis to chromate and cobalt - Contact dermatitis to nickel and palladium - Contact dermatitis to other metals – Orthopedic implants: when to test and what to test?

▪ Cosmetic allergy: What to tell your cosmetic-phobic patient?

▪ Hot topic: What is iodopropynylbutylcarbamate? - Allergies to propolis: when to consider it? – The 2018 chemist’s hot topic - Nickel and metal implant: Amplatzer, the new Essure®? – What’s left of our (three ex-) loves? – What’s the story on acetophenonazine?

▪ Topographic dermatoses: Contact dermatitis of the feet – Cheilitis: is it always allergic?


Coordinatrice Dr Evelyne COLLET : Dermatologue –Allergologue Hôpital Le Bocage, CHRU Dijon