Gut microbiota

An organ all its own

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 352
Format: 21 x 27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1464-4
Printed in: French
Discipline: Multidisciplinary
Publication date: 08/03/2017

Preserving the balance of gut microbiota provides fabulous potential for the medicine of the future.

In just a few years, our knowledge of gut microbiota has significantly expanded, and not only in describing it but also in understanding its physiological functions. The number of diseases it can modulate is much vaster than what we had previously imagined. Our experience in transfers of phenotype have opened up completely unexpected paths for research in areas of intestinal diseases, metabolic syndrome, obesity as well as psychological, liver and skin disorders.

In their training, doctors must now be able to grasp these concepts and results to better understand how environmental disturbances can be used as bioindicators of diseases. They must also integrate into their practices the modulations of gut microbiota in order to favour its proper development and protect its equilibrium and functions.

Researchers and clinicians paint a complete picture of the role of microbiota in maintaining health by making these complex concepts available to general practitioners. The authors address dysbiosis related to certain intestinal and extra-intestinal diseases. This book provides modern practitioners, regardless of their practice or speciality, with solid and simple foundations for understanding the fragile balance of microbiota-host symbiosis and the repercussions this leads to when treating patients.


A collective publication edited by :

Professor Philippe MARTEAU,

Sorbonne University, hepatology, gastroenterology and nutrition units, Saint-Antoine Hospital, Paris

Joël DORÉ,

director of research, associate director of the unit dedicated to “microbiology of food for the improvement of human health” , French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Jouy-en Josas