Métastases hépatiques d’origine colorectale

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Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 142
Format: 16 x 24 cm


Advances in imaging methods, chemotherapy, the availability of new methods and tools for surgeons and a marked improvement in the quality of liver surgery have had a major impact on indications and techniques in this field: thus, 30 to 40% of patients who would previously not have been considered suitable candidates for surgery are now operable.
The report by Patrick Pessaux, Antonio Sa Cunha and Francis Navarro focuses on the years 2006 to 2013 and tracks this progress.
In addition to the huge body of data generated by the essential survey, the report takes a look at some of the "major issues" including chemotherapy hepatotoxicity, one or more stage surgical strategies, the place of laparoscopy, peroperative ultrasound and intra-arterial chemotherapy and what to do when a liver metastasis disappears during chemotherapy.
This digest of these as yet unanswered questions is a real "windfall" for all surgeons


Table of content

  • Therapeutic strategies in the treatment of bilobar metastases
  • Chemotherapy and hepatotoxicity
  • What to do when a metastasis goes missing
  • Intra-arterial chemotherapy: procedures, indications and results
  • What surgical margins and what types of surgery for 2014?
  • Role of laparoscopy in the treatment of liver metastases
  • Is lymph node removal worthwhile?
  • Contribution of peroperative ultrasound
  • Histological response: how to assess it and its impact on the prognosis
  • Perspectives for the treatment of liver metastases