Urology and cancer

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Collection: Mise au Point
Pages: 350
ISBN : 2-7420-0546-3
Printed in: French

Urological cancers account for 22% of all cancers in France: 35% of male cancers and 4% of female cancers. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and the second most common cause of cancer. It is also the fourth cause of death from cancer for the population as a whole.
The number of cases has increased considerably over the past 20 years, along with tumours of the bladder, kidneys and testicles.
In the first section, the authors discuss the epidemiology of urological cancers and look at the latest information on cancers of the urinary system and male genital system. A second section introduces all the medical players coordinated by the urologist in treating these cancers.
The book ends with a section on the prospects opened up by developments in molecular biology and the priority directions that will contribute to the future of urological cancer research.
Cancers urologiques (rein, vessie, prostate, testicule, glandes surénales, voie excrétrice urinaire supérieure, urètre, pénis, tumeurs rares, cancers professionnels).
Les divers acteurs (urologues, pathologistes, radiologues, oncologues médicaux, transplanteurs, algologues, psychologues, nutritionnistes).
Perspectives : prévention et dépistage, biologie moléculaire.