Leg ulcers in elderly people

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Pages: 152
ISBN : 2-7420-0487-4
Printed in: French

A leg ulcer is defined as a sore located below the knee that does not heal within six weeks.
The first part of this book describes the rigorous procedure that must be followed by the doctor to determine whether the ulcer is vascular or non-vascular in origin –asking the patient questions and conducting a meticulous clinical examination, plus complementary tests.
The second part makes specific suggestions for treating patients, according to the origin of the ulcers.
The following subjects are dealt with:
- immobilization, local treatment, palliative care, dressings, surgical and medical treatment, and adjuvant treatment.
This practical, essential book contains a wealth of colour illustrations, along with details of how specific cases were dealt with which many readers will find helpful.
Au sommaire :
- Données épidémiologiques
- La maladie ulcéreuse
- La personne âgée porteuse d’un ulcère de jambe
- Le traitement de la personne âgée porteuse d’ulcère de jambe
- Cas cliniques