Rare diseases of the blood vessels

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Collection: STV
Pages: 197
ISBN : 2-7420-0560-9
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2005

This vital work of reference in the field of rare diseases of the blood vessels is the result of cooperation by a team of 38 hospital doctors. For the first time, it covers all the rare pathologies involving the blood vessels.
The blood vessel is a prime target for many metabolic, endocrine and environmental diseases, to mention only the most common, and recent progress in molecular genetics is helping us to broaden our understanding of the innermost mechanisms of arterial physiopathology. Alongside atherosclerosis, which is widespread but not yet fully understood, numerous rare diseases of the blood vessels frequently reveal more of their secrets. New therapeutic strategies are emerging and helping to make patient care ever more specific, so it seemed essential to bring together this growing fund of knowledge in one reference book. It will doubtless be of interest to many organ specialists because these pathologies display an impressive range of clinical presentations.
1- Maladie de Buerger
2- Maladie de Takayasu
3- Maladie de Horton
4- Périatérite noueuse
5- Maladie de Kawasaki
6- Maladie de Wegener
7- Le syndrôme de Churg et Strauss
8- Polychondrite atrophiante
9- Syndrôme de Cogan
10-Angéite isolée du système nerveux central
11-La Maladie de Behçet
12- Sclérodermie systèmique
13- Le syndrome des anticorps
14- Le syndrome de Sneddon
15- Purpura rhumatoïde
16- Micro angiopathie thrombotique
17- les cryoglobulinémies
18- Amyloses
19- Maladie de Fabry
20- le syndrome de Marfan
21- L’homocystinurie
22- Pseudoxanyhome élastique
23- syndrome d’Elhers-Danlos vasculaire
24- Maladie de Rendu-Osler-Weber
25- Syndrome de Williams-Beure