Antagonists to Angiotensin 2 Receptors in the Treatment of High Blood Pressure

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Pages: 170
ISBN : 2-7420-0256-1
Printed in: French

Considerable progress has been made in the treatment of high blood pressure over the past 40 years. The increasingly precise definition of therapeutic techniques (thiazidic diuretics, beta-blockers, etc.) has made it possible both to offer patients better treatment and to obtain more specific information about how the drugs used operate.
The most recent techniques have given rise to new drugs that act directly on blood pressure. This is the case, for instance, of the antagonists to angiotensin 2 receptors which are now available to doctors.
This very complete book offers first of all a detailed description of the ways in which the drugs act, then provides a wealth of information regarding their clinical use, describing in turn the indications of the main drugs available on the market, their effectiveness depending on the aetiology of high blood pressure, and their use in combination with one another.
Finally, research on antagonists to angiotensin 2 receptors has advanced our knowledge of the renal blood pressure system and its role in determining renal physiology and the development of kidney disease. An entire chapter is devoted to these aspects.
The book, edited by Dr Xavier Girerd, professor of therapeutics, bears witness to the rapid progress of knowledge about high blood pressure, and provides an invaluable database for all doctors working in the field.