Coronary Thrombosis

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Pages: 220
ISBN : 2-7420-0272-3
Printed in: French

Cardiology is no doubt one of the medical disciplines that has expanded the most in recent years. The speed of its growth has bred sub-specialties, sometimes very broad, in fields such as coronary disease, surgical cardiology, rhythmology and cardiac insufficiency.
Coronary thrombosis is also among the new cardiological specialties that have sprung up recently and which are becoming increasingly well understood.
New treatments are now making vast strides. In place of the traditional aspirin or antivitamin K, new molecules have appeared: new antiplatelet molecules, new antithrombins, and low molecular weight heparins.
This book, written by one of the French cardiological teams most deeply involved in the field, aims to list the situations most frequently encountered by general practitioners and provide clear advice on the treatments they might consider, how to manage them, and how to monitor patients' progress.
For readers in a hurry, the many illustrations provide a concise and practical counterpoint to the text.