Erectile malfunction - A key subject that receives wide media coverage

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Pages: 220
ISBN : 2-7420-0418-1
Printed in: French

Since the NIH consensus conference in 1992, erectile malfunction has been defined as "a man's inability to achieve and maintain a penile erection which allows satisfactory sexual relations". In practice, matters are not so simple. That is why this book provides full and precise information about the physiopathology of erection difficulties, prevention (nowadays a distinction is made between the concept of "symptomatic" erectile malfunction, which may have underlying organic or psychogenic causes, and erectile malfunction as an "illness" or sign of poor sexual health) and the impact of the various forms of treatment.
The discovery that erection-producing drugs could be injected in the early 1980s was followed in 1998 by the launch of an oral drug that has proved very effective.
These two major advances have highlighted the demand from patients suffering from erection difficulties which too often in the past either went unrecognised or were kept hidden.
This book will be a valuable guide for general practitioners, who are receiving an increasing number of requests for help from patients because erectile malfunction has been the subject of widespread media coverage. Moreover, since the growing demand for medical treatment requires a more global and ethical approach that focuses on the patient rather than the problem, a large chapter is devoted to this aspect. Here too, the book will help doctors to tailor their recommendations to individual patients.
Supports anatomo-physiologiques de l’érection et de ses troubles
Définition et épidémiologie
Facteurs étiologiques et facteurs de risque
Qualité de vie, mieux-être, devoir d’information et médecine humaniste
Dysfonction érectile et vieillissement : qu’en est-il ?
Gestion de l’étape clinique
Les traitements pharmacologiques
Les traitements locaux : traitements de deuxième intention
Les différentes prises en charge psychothérapiques et sexothérapiques
Place du traitement chirurgical
Gestion d’un échec thérapeutique