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Understanding the phenomenon of metastasis: a challenge for future cancer therapies

Pages: 96
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1258-9
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1447-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 02/07/2015

This volume brings together leading experts (doctors and researchers) to provide a thorough update on current knowledge on this phenomenon so common in oncology, this model of survival and adaptation that is metastasis.

  1. Which mechanisms make possible the spreading of the tumour cells to overrun the entire organism?
  2. Why normal cells help the growing of tumour cells?
  3. Why it remains so difficult to reproduce this phenomenon in laboratories ? It prevent developing new therapeutic strategies.

It is only the understanding of the mechanisms that will allow research to advance in this area.