Transfusion advice: from consensual therapy to adapted alternatives

2nd edition

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 364
Format: 26 x 32 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1423-1
Printed in: French
Publication date: 31/03/2016

Transfusion advice is the obligation of the Établissement français du sang (EFS) [French National Blood Service] towards teams (prescribing physicians, nurses, etc.) of healthcare institutions. To respond to the necessary harmonisation of practices, the EFS proposes its guidelines for the use of labile blood products (prescription, storage and transport conditions, and performing transfusions) presented in the form of a loose-leaf binder as an educational, practical and accessible tool for all health professionals.

In an illustrated, summary and practical way (a decision diagram and explanatory text for situation encountered in practice), each topic addresses one of the aspects of transfusion advice to support the prescribing physician in making the right prescription. This instruction aims to foster the accountability of transfusion players in their contribution to the good use of labile blood products so the French model of ethical donation continues.

This second edition of the file is enriched with relevant feedback from its readers and includes all good practice guidelines issued by the Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) [French National Health Authority] in terms of homologous red blood cell transfusion (2014) and platelets transfusion (2015), as well as the many changes in regulation since 2013, particularly concerning the characteristics of labile blood products.

What’s new in this second edition: the 2016 update concerns the HAS guidelines that have appeared since the 1st edition of the file in 2013, but also the fact that therapeutic plasma has become a medicinal product.