Skin diseases after organ transplantation

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Collection: EJD Book Series
Pages: 244

Organ transplantation has been successfully performed over the last 35 years and the number of organ allograft recipients is steadily increasing.
Long-term immunosuppression, necessary for good graft function, inevitably induces undesired effects (particularly infections and neoplasctic ones) among which cutaneous oones are very frequent and potentially life-threatening.
This book deals with all aspects of cutaneous disorders that may be encountered in the setting of organ transplantation.
It reflects the pioneering work performed since long by Dermatoloogists in Lyon, in collaboration with teams specialised in kidney, heart, lungs, liver and pancreas transplantation.
A truly exceptional book entirely written in English.
. Organ transplantation: past, present and putative future, J.L. Touraine, A. Ratsimbazafy, N. Lefrançois, J.L. Garnier, S. Daoud
. The skin immune system, D. Jullien, R.L. Modlin, J.F. Nicolas
. Immunosuppressive treatments, C. Pouteil-Noble
. UV-induced immunosuppression, I. Kurimoto, J. Wayne Streilein
. Retinoic acid and immune responses: regulation of cutaneous immunomodulation by synthetic retinoid analogs, M. Démarchez, Xian-Ping Lu
. The skin in chronic renal failure and hemodialysis, S. Dalac, E. Collet, J.M. Rebibou, D. Lambert
. Human papillomavirus and cutaneous carcinogenesis, S. Majewski, S. Jablonska
. Hepatitis C virus-related skin disorders, M.S. Doutre
. The role of HHV8 in cutaneous tumours, C. Lebbé
. Influence of organ transplantation on preexisting dermatoses, A. Claudy
. Herpes virus infections and prophylaxis, G. Guillet
. Oral hairy leukoplakia in immunocompromised patients, P.H. Itin
. Cutaneous manifestations of opportunistic infections, J. Chevrant-Breton
. Extracutaneous tumors, I. Penn
. Cutaneous warts and carcinomas, J.N. Bouwes Bavinck, E.J. Van Zuuren, J.T. Schegget
. Kaposi’s sarcoma, C. Francès, S. Lagrange
. Naevi and melanomas, J.M. McGregor
. Cutaneous lymphomas, P. Souteyrand, L. Fabricio, M. d’Incan
. Anogenital lesions, M. Faure
. Rare cutaneous tumours, B. Dréno
. Photoprotection , M.T. Leccia, J.C. Béani, P. Amblard
. Systemic retinoids for the treatment of skin cancer, C.C. Geilen, B. Almond-Roesler, C.E. Orfanos
. Topical retinoids for the management of dysplastic epithelial lesions, S. Euvrard
. Porokeratosis, J. Kanitakis
. Cutaneous complications in bone marrow transplant recipients, S. Aractingi
. Graft-versus-host disease after solid organ transplantation, B.A. Drolet, J.S. Peterson, N.B. Esterly