Dermatology and Quality of Life

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The emergence and above all the formalisation of the notion of "quality of life" in medical, and especially dermatological, culture is more than just a passing fad. It reflects a fundamental shift in the relations between dermatologists and their patients.
This is because patients' expectations have changed considerably. They are no longer just seeking temporary relief, but the ability to live a normal life again. They are also demanding improved well-being through cosmetology and plastic surgery.
The concept of "quality of life" shows that the notion of suffering has also changed. We suffer less and less from pain, but more and more from the disturbances and constraints imposed by illness in comparison to social norms.
Dermatologists were among the first medical practitioners to fully take account of the suffering connected with the highly visible nature of the conditions they deal with, even though these may be benign.
Publication of this book therefore represents a decisive step forward in the history of dermatology.
Concept de qualité de vie
Grands outils disponibles pour mesurer la qualité de vie
Validation d’un questionnaire de qualité de vie
Validation transculturelle des mesures de qualité de vie
Spécificités des maladies dermatologiques. Conséquences sur la qualité de vie et la santé publique.
Choix de la stratégie et des outils de mesure de la qualité de vie
Principaux instruments de mesure de la qualité de vie en dermatologie chez l’adulte.
Qualité de vie et essais thérapeutiques
Échelles de qualité de vie et facteurs psychologiques
Qualité de vie et psoriasis : le point de vue des malades
Qualité de vie et psoriasis