Advances in Dermatology-Allergology. XXVIIIth GERDA dermatology-allergology update

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ISBN : 978-2-7420-0682-3
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2007

Update in the comprehension of advances in skin biology and immunology-allergology, a must for understanding dermatology-allergology.
An indispensable update for medical specialists, researchers and health care professionals interested in allergology-dermatology and immunology-dermatology.
- How proteins penetrate the skin.
- Atopic dermatitis: protein-induced eczema?
- Contact urticaria caused by cosmetics.
- Latex allergy: is it still a cause for concern in 2007 ?
- Protein-mediated contact urticaria and dermatitis in professional pathology.
- Drug-mediated contact urticaria
- Allergy to caterpillars and butterflies.
- Chemistry and legislation of hair dyes
- Allergy to hair dyes and their development from an allergological standpoint.
- Irritation in the food and beverage industries.
- Allergies in the food and beverage industries.
- New labelling rules for allergenic products.
- Allergies in the agro-alimentary industry across the Atlantic.
- Food allergens: diversity and similarities.
- Irritation dermatitis of the scrotum and on the Stock Exchange.
- Update on dietary allergies and allergens.
- Allergy to wine and other beverages.
- Cutaneous risk in the agro-alimentary industry.
- Dietary and respiratory cross-over allergies.
- Non-medical management of food allergies: desensitisation, diets, food substitutes.
- Epicutaneous tests: from their distant past to their integration in everyday life today and tomorrow.
- Contribution of GERDA and True Test.
- Atopic dermatitis: what's new in 2007?
- Contact allergens: what's new in 2007?
- Role of pharmacogenetics in understanding toxidermia.
- Role of tests in investigating toxidermia.