Plants and skin reactions

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Pages: 160

Flowers decorate and perfume our environment, trees supply oxygen, fruit and vegetables are vital to balanced nutrition and therefore to health. Nature is generous, but she also hides pitfalls.
Some plants, for example, are harmful to the skin and provoke a variety of reactions because they are irritant, toxic or responsible for allergies.
It is therefore useful to be familiar with the undesirable effects which may appear on contact with certain plants, whether they occur when cultivating, gathering or selling the plants, cooking with them or eating them.
This book lists the plants concerned according to the type of skin reaction they cause. Pathogenic aspects are listed at the start of the section where each plant is described clearly and explicitly, along with an illustration and anecdotes.
Au sommaire :
- La peau se fache
La peau
Qu’est-ce que l’allergie ?
Les agressions contre la peau
Comment traite-t-on les dermites aux plantes ?
- Les plantes les plus agressives pour notre peau
- Les plantes qui agressent occasionnellement notre peau
- Quelques principes de la classification des plantes
- Récapitulatif des plantes agressives pour la peau
- Index alphabétique des noms populaires des plantes
- Index alphabétique des noms scientifiques des plantes
- Index alphabétique des substances naturelles