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Collection: EJD Book Series
Pages: 240

First Atopic Dermatitis Conference: Lyon, 19 and 20 May 2000
Atopic dermatitis (or eczema) is a chronic condition that affects between 12% and 15% of babies under two years old in Europe. This very high incidence doubled between 1970 and 1982. The inflammatory disease, which is easy to diagnose (dry skin and patches of coarse, red, pruritic eczema) and can be very incapacitating, belongs to the group of atopic diseases (allergies) which have various causes.
This very complete book gives a detailed overview of the forms atopic dermatitis can take and the different ways it can be treated, particularly in children. All the clinical, physiopathological, therapeutic and psycho-social aspects and consequences are dealt with here.
The book is intended for medical and paramedical staff involved with the treatment of atopic dermatitis (eczema): general practitioners, dermatologists, paediatricians, allergists, pneumologists, gastroenterologists, occupational health specialists, etc.