Clinical and allergy-related immunology

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Collection: EJD Book Series
Pages: 192

Physiopathology of the immune and allergy-related response
Vaccines - intolerance and allergies
Seminar on clinical and allergy-related immunology, Lyon, 18-20 June 2003
Seminars on clinical and allergy-related immunology are organised every year as part of continuing medical education at the Lyon Civilian Hospices.
They focus partly on recent developments in basic immunology which are useful for the understanding of inflammatory, allergy-related and auto-immune illnesses, and partly on a theme specific to allergies to drugs.
The themes chosen for this latest seminar are the physiopathology of the immune and allergy-related response and vaccines: intolerance and allergies.
These updates on the most recent directions in research are essential for doctors, researchers and other health professionals who are interested in clinical immunology, intolerance of drugs and allergies.
Sommaire :
Physiopathologie de la réponse immunitaire
- Thérapie cellulaire
- Adjuvants bactériens et réponse immune antitumorale
- Phospho-antigènes et cellules NKT
- Rôle de la chaîne gc dans le développement NK et NKT
- Les cellules dendritiques et DC Sign dans l’infection à CMV
- Suivi des cellules dendritiques in vivo
- Vaccination muqueuse et trans-épidermique
- Cellules dendritiques et allergie
Vaccins – intolérance et allergie
Allergie aux vaccins : entre fréqauence et réalité
- Immunologie et santé publique : bref historique de la vaccination préventive
Calendrier vaccinal Protection vaccinale
- Pharmacovigilance des vaccins
- Allergie et tolérance – réactions immédiates
- Allergie et intolérance – Réactions retardées cutanées
- Cas cliniques
- Maladies auto-immunes et vaccination
- Granulomes vaccinaux
- Futur de la vaccination
- Vaccination et développement de maladies atopiques