HIV: complications and comorbidities

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Pages: 192
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0702-8
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1169-8
Printed in: French
Publication date: 23/06/2010

Book written in french
When treated effectively, HIV infection becomes a chronic condition which, as long as the patient receives life-long treatment, should not significantly decrease life expectancy versus uninfected patients. This is contingent on certain conditions, including the need to reduce the comorbidities induced by the virus or by its treatment.
We have been aware of these complications for a number of years, and the last five years have been particularly productive in terms of our understanding of the pathophysiological phenomena characterizing HIV infection. Another major step forward has been the identification of the role played by antiretroviral molecules in the onset of complications: the HIV virus and anti-HIV molecules combine and share certain toxic effects reinforcing their harmful consequences!
The prolonged survival of HIV positive patients is already raising new questions: what impact does the virus have on the ageing process? Does it affect neurocognitive function or the onset of cancers? These are the types of questions that look certain to lead to major new fields of clinical and fundamental research in the forthcoming years.
This book contains the combined know-how of scientists and doctors, each experts in their chosen field and in HIV. It adds to the information published by these same experts in the 2008 Yeni report on HIV-related complications and comorbidities.
C. Katlama
-Abnormalities of adipose tissue distribution in patients with HIV infection
M.A. Valantin, C. Katlama
- Heart and HIV
F. Boccara, A. Cohen
- Lipid abnormalities
J.-P. Viard, P. Giral
Glucid homeostasis abnormalities
C. Vigouroux
- Antiretroviral treatments
and liver abnormalities
M.A. Valantin
- Bone complications
S. Rozenberg
- Neurocognitive disorders
related to HIV
J. Gasnault, A. Dulioust
- Renal complications
C. Isnard-Bagnis, J. Tourret, G. Deray
- Mitochondrial toxicity
and antiretroviral treatments
P. Leclercq
- Ageing and HIV
J. Capeau
Arterial hypertension
E. Messas
- Cancer
D. Costagliola, J.-P. Spano