Urg' pédiatrie (2e édition)

Toutes les situations d'urgence pédiatrique en poche !

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Collection: Collection URG’
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 494
Format: 13 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1445-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 07/12/2017

 The aide memoire for paediatric medical and surgical emergencies!


The aide memoire for paediatric medical and surgical emergencies!
The authors have completely updated this pragmatically designed book which looks at diseases from both a clinical and therapeutic perspective and describes the further investigations. There have been many official guidelines issued in paediatrics over recent years particularly on antibiotic therapy and pain management. The updated part of the book is therefore extremely extensive to provide the reader with optimal drug chartsURG’ Pédiatrie is designed to provide the appropriate medical responses for the great majority of situations a doctor may face. The situations have been updated by the authors and this aide-mémoire now covers almost all emergency paediatric care.The novel feature of this edition is that apart from updating the previous information it provides around 100 fact sheets about procedures for reconstituting injectable drugs which is entirely without precedence. 

URG’ Pédiatrie is therefore an essential reference for all emergency care doctors, paediatric intensive care physicians and paediatricians and for all general practitioners faced with emergency situations.


Contents● Neonatology● Intensive care● Diagnostics● Neurological emergencies● Cardiology emergencies● Respiratory emergencies● Gastrointestinal emergencies● Urological and nephrological emergencies● Endocrine and fluid and electrolyte emergencies● Infectious emergencies● Dermatological emergencies● Haematological emergencies● Opthalmological emergencies● ENT/stomatological emergencies● Traumatology emergencies● Circumstantial emergencies● Toxicological emergencies● Psychological and social emergencies● Pain in children

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