URG’ Obstétrique

Plus de 100 situations d'urgence !

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Collection: Collection URG’
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 228
Format: 13 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1413-3
ISBN élec : 9782718414706
Printed in: French
Publication date: 29/03/2017

The emergency doctor is often poorly prepared for obstetric emergencies.

The insufficiency of theoretical and practical training, the lack of experience and the diversity of acute clinical situations presented by usually healthy patients tend to make otherwise experienced practitioners uncomfortable.

While working in a network facilitates collaboration among specialists, the emergency doctor often finds him/herself alone when it is time to make a diagnosis, decide on therapeutic strategies, and orientate a patient in an emergency obstetric situation.

URG’Obstetrics addresses, in a summarized but thorough manner, all of the situations of obstetric emergency that emergency doctors face, both in the hospital and in the paramedical context.

The work is comprised of summary sheets that, situation by situation, allow the emergency doctor to have a complete road map.



• Anatomy - Physiology
• Examination of the pregnant woman
• Conditions related to pregnancy
• Conditions in parallel with pregnancy
• Birth outside of the hospital
• Caring for the neonate
• Medical regulations
• Transportation
• Practical use of medicinal products