Emergency Neurology

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Collection: Collection URG’
Publisher: ARNETTE
Co-Publisher: Avec la collaboration de Georges Brousse, Marie Cheynet, Anthony Faivre, Pierre Lafond et Marc Vallée
Pages: 320
Format: 13 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1304-4
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1419-5
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/10/2015

An indispensible aid to rapid decision-making and triage in daily practice 

  • Neurological emergencies are a major activity in any structure dealing with emergencies, both in and outside the hospital.
    The neurological disorders encountered vary greatly and may cause significant morbimortality if not optimally managed in the first hours.

  • This book deals with the most commonly encountered neurological emergencies:
    - neurovascular emergencies (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, cerebral venous thrombosis),
    - neurotraumatic emergencies (head and back injuries),
    - neuro-infectious emergencies (cerebral abscesses, meningitis and acute encephalitis),
    - neuro-dysimmune emergencies (Guillain Barré syndrome, myasthenia and multiple sclerosis)
    - and the main neurological symptoms which might lead a patient to present at the emergency room: loss of consciousness, epileptic fits, headaches, dizziness, facial paralysis, confusion, consciousness disorders and coma, etc.

  • This book also contains an atlas of emergency neuro-imagery to help familiarize healthcare providers with the most common neurological disorders encountered in a radiology setting.



• Neurovascular emergencies
• Neurotraumatological emergencies
• Neuro-infectious emergencies
• Neuro-dysimmune emergencies
• Metabolic emergencies
• Epileptic emergencies
• Cognitive-behavioural emergencies
• Dealing with neurological symptoms in the emergency room
• Radiological atlas of emergency neuro-imagery