Update Gastroenterology 2001 Recent advances in Gastroinstestinal Oncology

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ISBN : 2-7420-0382-7
Printed in: English

John Libbey Eurotext continues to publish the proceedings of the gastroenterology seminars taught by leading European specialists and organised by the European Association for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy (EAGE).
The aim of the book is to describe major clinical and therapeutic progress observed during 2001.
It offers a complete overview of the latest techniques and therapies used to treat malignant gastro-intestinal tumours.
This publication is entirely in English.
Contents :
• Barrett’s oesophagus and the role of « complete » reflux control • Gastric atrophy and mlyaplasia – Does Hp eradication suffice ? • Sclerosing cholangitis . Prevention and/or specific therapy ?
• Dysplasia in ulcerative colitis. Management principles
• Novel techniques for GI Tumour removal • Endoscopic mucosal resection • Transgastric endoscopic approaches • Full thickness endoscopic resection • The future potential of the TEM concept • Ultrasound guided endoscopic procedures • Fine needle aspiration (FNA) – a critical appraisal • Coeliac plexus neurolysis • Cyst drainage procedures • Endoscopic procedures for palliation • Duodenal stentig and other minimal techniques • Colonic stentig • Laser techniques •