Depressive disturbances in the elderly

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Pages: 172
ISBN : 2-7420-0277-4
Printed in: French

Our society is having to face up to a rapid extension of human longevity and a steep increase in the number of the elderly: people over 65 now account for more than 20 per cent of the population in industrialized countries.
Loneliness, social isolation, the consequences of retirement, and the loss of loved ones are all factors that can lead to the onset of depression. And yet depression in older people often goes unrecognized or is misidentified, because it is difficult to distinguish between the effects of depression and those of the normal ageing process.
The purpose of this book is to help doctors recognize the signs of depression in older patients consulting a general practitioner and provide them with precise guidelines on the strategic and therapeutic means available to combat the condition.
This thoroughly documented book reproduces the different tests used in general practice, providing a real diagnostic guide that enables doctors to evaluate the type and depth of a patient's depression
The treatment strategy for elderly depressed patients must include a pharmacological approach, but also psychotherapeutic and psychosocial care, which is just as important. This work therefore emphasizes the full range of these aspects of treatment. The indications and use of the various antidepressant drugs are fully described and annotated, as are the other therapeutic and psychological resources which must be employed to ensure optimum patient care.
This is an invaluable work for all general practitioners who are confronted daily with the distress of the elderly.