Traité de chirurgie endocrinienne - Volume 2

Surrénales, tumeurs neuroendocrines gastro-entéro-pancréatiques, néoplasies endocriniennes multiples

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 348
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1482-8
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1529-0
Printed in: French
Publication date: 06/10/2016

Volume 2 of the “Treatise on Endocrine Surgery” is the unique, indispensable collection in French of knowledge on adrenal, gastro-entero-pancreatic, and hepatic endocrine diseases and on multiple endocrine neoplasias. 

The objective of this text is to address the vast and quickly evolving field of abdominal and retroperitoneal endocrine diseases in a clear, educational and synthetic manner. All of the chapters have been written by top medical-surgical specialists, making this the most up-to-date work in this field.

From students to practitioners and teachers, anyone can find here the answer to their diverse and complex questions: anatomy, pathophysiology, genetics, diagnostic and therapeutic strategy, indications and techniques of surgery, etc. This update of knowledge and practices in endocrine surgery was made possible by the dynamism of the network of the Francophone Association of Endocrine Surgery (AFCE), a global organisation of doctors and surgeons.



Chapter 1.   Surgical anatomy of adrenal glands
Chapter 2.   Pathological anatomy of adrenal tumours
Chapter 3.   Biology of adrenal glands and exploration
Chapter 4.   Coelioscopy and robot-assisted surgery
Chapter 5.   Adrenalectomy by posterior retroperitoneoscopic route
Chapter 6.   Large adrenal tumours: open surgical techniques
Chapter 7.   Adrenal incidentaloma
Chapter 8.   Hypercorticism
Chapter 9.   Primary hyperaldosteronism
Chapter 10. Secreting cortical tumours: masculinising tumours
Chapter 11. Bilateral lesions of the adrenals
Chapter 12. Malignant corticoadrenomas
Chapter 13. Adrenal metastases
Chapter 14. Sporadic pheochromocytomes and paragangliomas

Gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine tumours
Chapter 15. Epidemiology, clinic, circumstances of discovery and carcinoid syndrome
Chapter 16. Anatomy-pathology and classifications
Chapter 17. Gastrinoma and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Chapter 18. Insulinomas
Chapter 19. Non-functional duodenal and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Chapter 20. Neuroendocrine tumours of the appendix
Chapter 21. Neuroendocrine tumours of the small intestine
Chapter 22. Neuroendocrine tumours of the small intestine: principles of surgical treatment
Chapter 23. Neuroendocrine tumours of the colon and rectum
Chapter 24. Endocrine tumours of the stomach
Chapter 25. Therapeutic management of liver metastases
Chapter 26. Pancreas transplantation                                                                                            

Syndromes with hereditary predisposition
Chapter 27. Polyendocrinopathies type 1 and 2: traps for the clinician in general and the surgeon in particular
Chapter 28. Multiple type 1 endocrine neoplasias
Chapter 29. Multiple type 2 endocrine neoplasia and familial medullary thyroid cancer
Chapter 30. Non-medullary familial thyroid cancers
Chapter 31. Isolated primary familial hyperparathyroidism, jaw tumour syndrome
Chapter 32. Hereditary forms of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma
Chapter 33. Cervical paragangliomas