Treatise on endocrine surgery - Volume 1

The Thyroid, parathyroids and multiple endocrine neoplasias

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: DOIN
Co-Publisher: Avec la participation de Bruno Carnaille, Pierre Goudet, Jean-Louis Kraimps, Muriel Mathonnet, Eric Mirallié, Jean-Louis Peix, Frédéric Triponez
Pages: 424
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1459-0
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1467-5
Printed in: French
Discipline: Multidisciplinary
Publication date: 09/03/2015

A unique French-speaking treatise containing the most recent guidelines and consensus statements.
Bringing together the best international specialists (81 authors).

Endocrine surgery has become a speciality in its own right which requires a solid grounding in the knowledge of physiology, genetics and anatomy and the ability to carry out surgery on many of the organs in the human body. 

Volume 1 of this much anticipated work is dedicated to diseases which are often complex and poorly understood: the neck diseases and multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN).

It reviews the major technical advances which have been achieved in recent years in the surgical approach to these diseases.  These have allowed major advances to be made in many areas, including surgical (robotic laparoscopy), imaging (ultrasound, scintigraphy, CT and MRI) and laboratory measurements (genetics and endocrine, etc).

This volume contains 27 tables and 88 figures, most of which are in colour.