Tradable Permits in the Transport Sector

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 80
Format: 17x24
ISBN : 9782-7420-0794-3
Printed in: English
Publication date: 24/02/2011

The term “tradable permit” was first used in industry. The original idea was to allocate quotas for the emission of gaseous pollutants, such as carbon dioxide or sulphur dioxide, with the aim of managing not to exceed a certain threshold.
It was while observing that each industry had different requirements in terms of emission quantities that “commodification” of these permits started: those unable to reach the threshold can sell the excess to those who emit more than their allocated quota.
In light of the very good results in the industry sector, why not then transfer this model to the transport sector?
This book explores this concept by outlining the relevance of such a system which also generates a number of other nuisances (congestion, noise, air pollution, greenhouse gases).
After presenting the concept of permit markets, the book analyses the relevance of these markets in this sector, outlines a few examples of use and reviews a number of proposals.
Tradable permits: theory, experiences and lessons
Relevance for transport and some applications
The proposals