Simulation en chirurgie

Rapport présenté au 126e Congrès français de chirurgie 2024

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Available from 26/09/2024  
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Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 232
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1781-3
Printed in: French
Publication date: 26/09/2024

Simulation has become an essential teaching tool in the initial and continuing training of healthcare professionals, embracing the concept of "never the first time on the patient". In surgery, the fields explored by simulation are vast: technical gestures (procedural simulation); restitution of theoretical knowledge, relations with patients or healthcare professionals (behavioral simulation); analysis of practices and risk management.

It can also be used to assess learners' skills, as illustrated by the recent reform of the 2nd cycle of medical studies.

However, this widely deployed method must meet rigorous criteria, and cannot be improvised: definition of pedagogical objectives, selection of the appropriate model, recruitment of supervisors, smooth running of the session, definition of evaluation methods, etc.

This concise, practical book:

• presents existing tools for training and assessing learners,

• recalls the basics and imperatives of a successful simulation session,

• discusses the contribution of simulation to risk management,

• deals with the training of trainers,

• offers concrete examples of simulation programs, as well as online supplements.

Pauline Duconseil, Maîtresse de conférence universitaire, praticienne hospitalière, service de chirurgie viscérale et digestive, Hôpital Nord de Marseille

Astrid Herrero, Professeure, service de chirurgie digestive et transplantation hépatique Hôpital Saint-Eloi, Montpellier

Fabrice Muscari, Chef du pôle digestif, département de chirurgie digestive, Hôpital Rangueil CHU Toulouse

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