Regionalisation and Performance of the Healthcare System

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Pages: 128
Format: 17 x 24
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0792-9
Printed in: French
Discipline: Medicine
Publication date: 07/06/2011

Book written in French
How to promote healthcare on the regional level?
Alain Grand explained his point of view on the healthcare objectives to be set within regional healthcare agencies.
Dominique Surles spoke from his experience to describe the means of action and mobilisation to weigh in on directions in healthcare policy on the regional level.
Lastly, Sylvie Mansion presented the tools that her region can use to carry out these public health policies.
Organisation of care.
Michel Combier discussed doctors’ expectations.
According to Alain Corvez, long-term commitment is extremely important.
Pierre-Jean Lancry presented his experience in the field, discussing the responsibilities of a regional healthcare agency director, the means at his disposal and his priority: continuous care.
What are the regional tools of regulation?
Gérard de Pouvourville spoke on the international aspects, using the example of the United Kingdom.
Pierre-Louis Bras showed new conditions of regulation for the hospital.
Lastly, Jean-Louis Aubert set out to explain precisely how the transmission and distribution of the roles implied by the creation of regional healthcare agencies and showed that these agencies are not just a means of bridging non-hospital and hospital treatment, but also a progressive means of bridging the logics of planning and regulation.
Introduction, Jean-Noël Bail
I - How to promote healthcare on the regional level? V. Paris, Pouvourville
-What policy of prevention and promotion of health do we need on a regional level?
-The experience of the Midi-Pyrénées region, Alain Grand
-An experience of participation, Dominique Surles
-The model of the regional healthcare agency of Franche-Comté, Sylvie Mansion
II - Organisation of care: what models are needed on a regional level? A. Chicoye, T. Barnay
-The vision of a general practitioner, Michel Combier
-An experience of the regional healthcare agency, Alain Corvez
-The model of the regional healthcare agency of Lower Normandy, Pierre-Jean Lancry
III - What are the regional tools of regulation? J.-P Daurès, Cl. Le Pen
-Lessons and experiences from abroad, Gérard de Pouvourville
-The HPST law and the new regulatory conditions on a regional level, Pierre-Louis Bras
-Regional regulatory tools for the transmission and distribution of roles produced by the creation of regional healthcare agencies, Jean-Marc Aubert
Regional healthcare agencies for efficiency? Cl. Le Pen