Reflex epilepsies : progress in understanding

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Pages: 200
ISBN : 2-7420-0540-4
Printed in: English
Publication date: 01/06/2004


Reflex epilepsies can provide a qualitative and quantitative viewpoint of the complexities of ictogenesis.
The various chapters in this book examine the factors that can trigger a seizure, such as hot water, food, contact and movement, music and emotions.
The relationship between several reflex epilepsy mechanisms and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy is discussed along with the significance of their occurrence in syndromes, enhancing our understanding of current epilepsy nosology.
The conventional dichotomy appears outdated, while functional studies of trigger mechanisms are moving more towards central nervous system subsets acting as pathological networks that produce seizures in generalized and focal epilepsies.
Evidence of reflex epilepsy on functional systems in the brain and “generalised” epilepsy
Varieties of photosensitivity in man (“plain” and progressive myoclonus epilepsies), in baboon and fowl
Prevention of photosensitive seizures by optical filters
Praxis induction and thinking induction: one or two mechanisms? A controversy
Perioral reflex myoclonias in reading epilepsy and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Fuctional imaging in reading epilepsy
Musicogenic seizures and findings on the anatomy of musical perception
Emotional seizure precipitation and psychogenic epileptic seizures
Trigger mechanisms in hot-water epilepsy
Reflex epileptic seizures in infancy
Seizures induced by eating in a family
Motor reflex epilepsy induced by touch and movement
Malformations of cortical development as a cause of reflex seizures: neurobiological insights