Recent Advances In The Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Bacterial Infections

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Pages: 200
ISBN : 2-7420-0221-9
Printed in: English

John Libbey Eurotext is continuing to publish the proceedings of these courses in gastroenterology organized in Europe by the world's leading specialists.
The July course will cover bacterial gastrointestinal infections, which doctors are increasingly called upon to treat. For example diarrhea, the best known of these conditions, is no longer specific to the developing world and many bacterial infections are now appearing in western countries.
Biological and clinical data are presented here in a synoptic work for young practitioners, edited by EAGE president Professor Galmiche.
Latest knowledge about the mechanisms of these infections, their interactions with other systems and their medium- and long-term treatments has enabled specialists to lay the first foundations for future therapies, in particular treatments for and vaccines against diarrhea.