Quality of Life and Migraine

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Pages: 96
ISBN : 9782742005475
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2007

A book written in French

Planning a book on the "impact of migraine" could appear surprising since the disorder is considered to be so benign by many that some would even deny that it is actually an illness per se.

And yet, migraine has a major impact on function and affects quality of life of sufferers both during and between attacks.

It is also difficult to measure the emotional impact of migraine since anxiety-depressive disorder is an intrinsic factor in the illness and, in part at least, contributes to one of the major complications of migraine, i.e. drug abuse.

In addition, this approach should not be to the detriment of the more conventional approach and mask the vascular risks to which certain migraine sufferers are exposed.

Finally, a book on migraine would be incomplete if it were confined to its effect on the individual. If only because of its high prevalence, migraine has a socio-economic impact on society as a whole.


- Impact on function. Quality of life and migraine
- Impact of migraine on emotions
- Drug abuse and migraine
- Neurovascular risk and migraine
- Socio-economic impact of migraine