Quality of life of cancer patients: chemotherapy and in-home care

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Collection: Mise au Point
Pages: 136
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0749-3
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1206-0
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2010

Book written in french
Cancer is a major public health concern in France and has forced healthcare professionals to review the way patients are cared for and how that care is organized.
Since the 1990s, a few teams have taken up this particular gauntlet and have investigated in-home care and the networks to be set up to deal with cancer patients.
The aims of the authors of this book are as follows:
- outline the reference framework (legislation and healthcare quality) on which the co-ordination and organization of community-hospital care for cancer patients is based;
- show how this approach reflects the changing needs of patients and their families: care in the community which allows patients to maintain their quality of life surrounded by their friends and families in their own homes
- describe the experiences which have demonstrated that treatment in hospital is not a foregone conclusion and that the in-home alternatives allow patients to maintain their dignity whilst not compromising the quality and safety of the care they receive.
The various medical and paramedical healthcare professionals working in the in-home cancer care sector clearly show that patients want this system: when chosen by the patient and run by a well-co-coordinated team of professionals, in-home care has an undeniable positive impact on patient quality of life.
Preface by Thierry Philip
General context
Legal and regulatory framework
Breakthroughs in cancer patient management
Internal re-organization
Oral chemotherapy
Shared good practices
The new in-home care structures
> the Lyon experience
> the Nice experience
Partners and providers
> GPs and hospital doctors
> Freelance nurses and interface nurses
> Social workers
> Community and hospital pharmacists
Point of view of patients and their family and friends
Specific aspects of in-home care and chemotherapy for children with cancer
Point of view of the healthcare insurance system