Advances in Dermato-Allergology - GERDA 2015

36th update course

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Pages: 296
Format: 17 x 25 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1425-5
Printed in: French
Publication date: 17/09/2015

The annual publication of by Gerda, an essential reference work  in dermato-allergology


  • This annual update organised by the Dermato-Allergology Study and Research Group (GERDA) consists of a review of the advances made in cutaneous biology and immuno-allergology, essential to our understanding of dermato-allergology.

  • This is an anticipated review by specials physicians, researchers and healthcare professionals with an interest in dermatological allergology and immuno-dermatology




 Contact eczema:
▪ Allergies to preservatives (isothiazolinones in particular): are there only cosmetics?
▪  Examples of overseas clinical cases

Spontaneous chronic urticaria:
▪ « Pitfalls and mistakes »
▪ Management and treatment: immunological focus

Topics in dermatology:
▪ Pharmaceutical preparations: allergies and incompatibilities
▪ Review of the labelling of cosmetics

Professional dermatology:
▪ Natural and synthetic rubbers, new allergens?
▪ Professional dermatosis: what’s new?

Dermatology and the environment :
▪ Alpha-Gal in meat: old antigen, new allergen?
▪ The hand, from cutaneous disease to symbolism

Therapeutic education and atopic dermatitis:
▪ Atopic dermatitis « Pitfalls and mistakes »
▪ Controversial tests and atopic dermatitis
▪ Corticophobia
▪ Immunosuppressants and atopic dermatitis: angels or demons?

▪  The new and the less new
▪  Medication for the digestive tract
▪  Medications for the central nervous system
▪  Biotherapies: side effects and treatment
▪  Toxidermia « Pitfalls and mistakes »

Immunology and clinical practice : inseparable:
▪  Contact allergy to PPD « From bedside to bench
▪  New methods in the prediction and diagnosis of allergic  contact eczema

Past, present and future:
▪  Dermato-allergology and dermatology of the environment, 50 years of passion
▪  Dermato-allergology in 2015, what’s new?

Clinical aspects and epicutaneous tests: a practical standpoint
▪ Cutaneous tests on cosmetics: how are they carried out in practice?
▪ Additions to the standard battery of tests: useful or of no use?