Prédisposition héréditaire aux cancers : côlon, rectum et utérus

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Pages: 160
ISBN : 2-7420-0556-0
Printed in: French

Some people are particularly under threat from cancer, the leading cause of premature death, because of genetic anomalies inherited from their parents and which they may pass on to their children.
The purpose of this book is to define, analyse and assess methods of treating people who have, or believe they have, an elevated risk of developing cancer of the colon, rectum or uterus because of their genetic characteristics. Very often this risk becomes apparent because of a family history which they or their doctors regard as "abnormal".
The book is divided into two clear sections, corresponding to:
- the identification phase: deciding who is under threat, and from what, and
- the intervention phase: what can be suggested in terms of prevention, tests, prophylactic surgery and changing treatment programmes?
The authors represent a panel of experts which includes at least one member of the following disciplines: medical oncology and cancer surgery, genetics, public health, hospital medicine, ethics, clinical psychology, medical imaging, biology and sociology.
Préface de Pascale Briand
Épidémiologie et épidémiologie génétique
Les consultations
Analyse constitutionnelle
Indications et organisation des analyses
Prise en charge
Personnes asymptomatiques, indemnes de pathologie :
- cancers du côlon et du rectum
- cancers de l’endomètre
- autres organes
Personnes atteintes de cancers :
- cancers du côlon et du rectum
- cancers de l’endomètre
- autres organes