Transient loss of consciousness and fainting in adults

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 344
Format: 16X24
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1372-2
Printed in: French
Publication date: 27/02/2014

A guide to diagnosing even the rarest types of consciousness loss in routine practice.
Healthcare providers are frequently called upon to deal with patients who have experienced fainting with and without consciousness loss.
The multitude of possible causes makes this very difficult to diagnose.
This book lists all the possible causes of fainting and transient loss of consciousness in adults, dividing them into major types : head trauma, loss of consciousness caused by toxic exposure, cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, metabolic, psychogenic and epileptic loss of consciousness, loss of consciousness related to intracranial hypertension, migraine, sleep, drop-attacks and near-death experiences. All possible causes are included.
Each is presented in the same methodological fashion : aetiological and physiological reminder, detailed history of the episode, physical examination, diagnosis, pitfalls to avoid.
The aim is to give the reader an operating procedure based on clinical evidence, especially the interview, for a positive diagnosis of each type of consciousness loss – even the rarest forms – so that none is reached merely by a process of elimination. The aim is to provide healthcare professionals with a comprehensive aid to reaching a positive diagnosis of these extremely varied symptoms.


▪ Definitions and classification of fainting and transient loss of consciousness

▪ Clinical methodology

▪ Head trauma

▪ Fainting and loss of consciousness after exposure to toxins

▪ Fainting and loss of consciousness, cerebrovascular causes

▪ Fainting and loss of consciousness, cardiovascular causes

▪ Fainting and loss of consciousness, metabolic causes

▪ Epilepsy-related fainting and loss of consciousness

▪ Fainting and loss of consciousness, psychogenic causes

▪ Intracranial hypertension-related fainting and loss of consciousness

▪ Migraine and fainting and loss of consciousness

▪ Sudden onset of sleep

▪ Drop-attacks

▪ Near-death experiences