Patients and Clinical Tests

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Collection: Congrès et Colloques
Co-Publisher: Syndicat National de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique (SNIP) / John Libbey Eurotext
Pages: 130
ISBN : 2-7420-0194-8
Printed in: French
Discipline: Biology and research

In order to test new methods of treatment and help research to move forward, clinical tests on consenting patients are essential.
Taking part in a clinical test is a constraint for both patients and their families, and implies ethical and operational obligations for medical and nursing staff.
Relations between doctor and patient, the need for patients to make an enlightened decision, and the role of the test in the patient's daily life are dealt with in turn in this book, which is of great interest to a wide audience.
The conference was held a few months ago under the chairmanship of Professor Claude Huriet, who drafted the "Huriet law" on the protection of individuals in biomedical research.
These fascinating discussions have brought together representatives of patients organizations, pharmaceuticals industry executives, and journalists.

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