Panayiotopoulos Syndrome: A Common and Benign Childhood Epileptic Syndrome

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Pages: 120
ISBN : 0 86196 619 8
Printed in: English


This book details advanced knowledge on clinical and EEG aspects of Panayiotopoulos syndrome, that affects 6 percent of children with epileptic seizures and it is entirely benign. The clinical manifestations are mastery detailed. The spectrum of EEG with occipital and often extra-occipital spikes is richly illustrated as of an EEG atlas. Relations with Rolandic, other childhood seizure susceptibility syndromes and Gastaut type idiopathic occipital epilepsy are analytically studied.
Panayiotopoulos syndrome is often misdiagnosed and treated as migraine. Means of avoiding misdiagnosis are emphasized.
Panayiotopoulos makes this a reference book for specialists. He details the clinical and EEG manifestations, prevalence, pathophysiology and management of “Panayiotopoulos syndrome” as it emerged from his long-term prospective studies of the author and worldwide documentation through independent studies. He masterly describes the particular type of seizure associated with his syndrome, which rarely may also occur in symptomatic epilepsies of children. He expands on other ictal vomiting, autonomic and behavioural seizure manifestations.