Les troubles bipolaires : pratiques, recherches et perspectives

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Pages: 287
ISBN : 2-7420-0508-0
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2005

Bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depression), which affects millions of people worldwide, is a chronic, serious illness that often endangers sufferers' lives. That is why the World Health Organisation describes it as one of the most disabling illnesses, and also one of the most expensive.
Faced with the scale of the problem, doctors and researchers are working hard to find solutions. Pharmacological, psychological and psychoeducational therapies are being developed and research into the causes of the condition is making progress.
This book by international specialists is divided into three main sections.
The first describes the clinical signs of bipolar disorder as a whole, and of those forms that have only recently been identified.
The second section outlines the various therapeutic strategies and their indications.
The third section deals with the various findings of research in the fields of neurobiology, genetics, environmental factors, cognitive aspects and cerebral imaging, and the book ends with a look ahead to prospects for the future.
- Préface
- Clinique des troubles bipolaires
- Formes cliniques du trouble bipolaire
- Comorbidité psychiatrique et somatique dans les troubles bipolaires
- Stratégies thérapeutiques
- Traitements pharmacologiques des troubles bipolaires
- Place des traitements psychanalytiques dans les états dépressifs
- Approche comportementale et cognitive des troubles bipolaires
- Traitements psychoéducatifs. La place des consultations spécialisées, les associations de malades
- Génétique de la maladie maniaco-dépressive
- Evénements de vie stressants et troubles bipolaires
- Imagerie cérébrale anatomique et fonctionnelle dans les troubles bipolaires
- Les modèles animaux de la maladie bipolaire