Les produits de l'anesthésie - 6e édition

Mise à jour 2020

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 192
Format: 11 x 16 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1444-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 02/11/2020

A true working instrument, well known by practitioners,
responding to the daily preoccupations of safety in anaesthesia


A vital work tool for the improvement of safety in anaesthesia in a controlled situation as well as in an emergency situation

This guide, present for many years in specialised bookstores, aims to present the main elements of practical pharmacology, useful for the understanding of anaesthesia drugs. Written by field practitioners, it is mainly intended for young interns in anaesthesia-intensive care and for students in anaesthesiological nursing school.

This new edition introduces a new chapter with tables listing the dosage of the main hypnotics, opioids and curares.

Designed according to the same format as the previous editions, which contributed to the success of this guide, these sheets are easy to consult and go straight to the point. Each molecule is presented according to the same outline: pharmaceutical presentation, indications, dosages, contraindications, medicinal interactions, pharmacokinetic data, pharmacodynamics, etc.

Different comparative tables to better visualise the characteristics of different molecules: intravenous anaesthetics, opioid analgesics, curares, local anaesthetics, volume replacement solutes…

A sure value for daily practice.