Intracavernous injections

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Pages: 112
ISBN : 9782742004775
Printed in: French

Intracavernous injection therapy, a technique that injects drugs directly into the penis, has revolutionised the study and treatment of erectile malfunction. It emerged as the first physiological form of treatment for impotence at the same time as the biochemical and haemodynamic mechanisms of erection were becoming clear. Twenty years later, intracavernous injections are still the most effective form of treatment, as well as being the benchmark technique for both research and diagnosis in the area of erectile malfunction.
After a reminder about normal and pathological erection, the author discusses the indications, disadvantages and possible complications of intracavernous injections. A lot of space is devoted to the psychological impact of the method, which requires an attentive and informative approach from the doctor.
The book gives doctors – whether they are specialists or general practitioners – the keys to effective use of intracavernous injections in treating erectile malfunction.
L’érection normale et pathologique
Pharmacologie intracaverneuse
L’ICC dans l’évaluation des dysfonctions érectiles
La pratique du traitement de la dysfonction érectile par injection intracaverneuse
Inconvénients et complications des traitements par ICC
Indications spécifiques
Bilan global et perspectives
Le médecin, le patient et l’ICC