Membrane targets of the tumour cell - Part 2

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Pages: 104
Format: 17X24
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0740-0
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/07/2011

Book written in french
The central question posed by strategies of targeted therapy is “where on the beast do we aim, to stop it and/or kill it?”—the animal in question being cancer, whether to aim for the heart, the head or if nothing else the feet. Transposed to a cellular level, this metaphor is the subject of two volumes of the collection (vol. 4 and 5) devoted to membrane targets, which are considered in theory to be the most accessible.
It should be noted that cancer is not easy game to hunt. Also, the 5th volume of the collection, coordinated, like volume 4, by Jean-Yves Blay, sets out to identify new areas of vulnerability in the membrane.
Some of these membrane targets are receptors, whose binding to their ligands sends the cell a signal regulating its proliferation: receptors of Hedgehog, of Notch and Wnt, interleukin-6, semaphorins. Another type of potential target receptor has the particularity of transmitting messages of proliferation or death according to the presence or absence of a ligand. Lastly, the authors suggest targets whose activity is primarily related to their visibility. In addition to these chapters, the volume addresses the question of the suitability of clinical trials to the specificity of targeted therapies.
In each chapter, the authors explain, illustrating their words with colour diagrams on the molecular scale,
the functioning of the target, its physiological role, its pathophysiological role in the selected models, the therapeutic results and the perspectives that are opened by certain models.
Dependent receptors:
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, or How to target Mr. Hyde to kill tumours?
P. Mehlen and C. Delloye-Bourgeois
The Notch and Wnt pathways:
potential targets of cancer treatments
R.Haddad, L. Coulombel and A. Bennaceur-Griscelli
The Hedgehog signalling pathway:
from the drosophila development gene to cancer
O. Rixe
J. Roche
Anti-IL-6 therapy in multiple myeloma
B. Klein and J.F. Rossi
Immunotherapeutic alternatives
to anti-CD20 antibodies in haematology
A. Bordron, P. Youinou et C. Berthou
Challenges and opportunities in the development of targeted therapies
P.A. Cassier, O. Trédan and D. Perol

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