Intracytoplasmic targets

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Pages: 104
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0741-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 14/05/2012

New colour illustrations are available on the CD-Rom that comes with the book.
The identification and the role of intracytoplasmic targets have, for some of them, allowed for spectacular developments. The most advanced applications concern tyrosine kinase inhibitors and it is possible that new inhibitors may rapidly be used in other myeloproliferative syndromes. A better understanding of the proteasome has made interesting results possible in multiple myeloma, and there could be new developments in other blood diseases.
For other apparently promising targets, applications are not coming to light very quickly…
Like a sniper, the ideal targeted therapy could boast of being a “surgical strike”, never missing its mark, respecting targets that are not aimed for. For the time being, the reality is often different: sometimes, the target seems obvious, but the results are unfortunately disappointing. Other times, the awkwardness of the attempt seems to ensure its efficacy.
As for the logical targets that make up MAP-kinases, P38 kinase, stress proteins and beta-catenin, the place that their inhibitors will take among anti-cancer agents remains to be established.
Intracytoplasmic targets are often at the crossroads of multiple pathways or complex biological processes. This volume offers the reader a detailed and richly illustrated summary of current knowledge of their physiological functions and their role in oncogenesis.