Anticoagulants in everyday medical practice

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Pages: 150
ISBN : 2-7420-0486-6
Printed in: French

IMPORTANT: An update on treating thrombosis
For half a century, non-fragmented heparin and anti-vitamins K were the only types of thrombosis treatment available. Next came the era of low-molecular-weight heparin, which was extremely popular. The number of new anti-coagulants is on the increase, just as attention is being drawn to the risk of using anti-vitamins K as a form of treatment. The new molecules seem promising. Nonetheless, correct use of the drugs already available in everyday practice is still important so it is appropriate that a book should be devoted to the subject.
The authors (the multidisciplinary Saint-Etienne thrombosis research group) have brought together in one book pharmacological data and guidelines for clinical use in various anticoagulant pathologies. The expertise and experience of Saint-Etienne College, both in clinical matters and in the practice and methodology of clinical tests, is well known and widely appreciated.
Concise, informative chapters make a clear distinction between recommendations based on proven facts and those made by experts in situations where certainties are cruelly lacking. Thus the expertise of specialists in clinical investigation who are analysing the results of clinical tests (known as "geographers") is combined with that of "explorers", who are confronted with the need to treat thrombosis in their daily work.
At a time of information overload, this book provides a viewpoint that is clear and concise and that will be of great value to practitioners.
Pharmacologie des antithrombotiques- Action sur synthèse des facteurs de la coagulation : les antagonistes de la vitamine K - Médicaments antithrombine-dépendants - Médicaments antithrombine-directs - Discussion
Utilisation dans la maladie thromboembolique veineuse - Prévention primaire - Traitement curatif
Utilisation dans l’accident vasculaire cérébral - Anticoagulants à la phase aiguë des accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques artériels durables et transitoires - Anticoagulants a la phase aiguë des accidents vasculaires cérébraux par thrombose veineuse - Prévention à long terme des récidives d’accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques artériels par le traitement anticoagulant
Utilisation des anticoagulants dans les cardiomyopathies
Utilisation dans l’artériopathie des membres inférieurs – Épidémiologie – Physiopathologie - Choix du traitement antithrombotique
Effets indésirables des anticoagulants - Antivitamines K - Héparine non fractionnée et héparine de bas poids moléculaire