Insulin analogs

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Pages: 208
ISBN : 2-7420-0613-3
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2006

A book written in French
In the last decade, the field of insulin treatment for diabetics has been enriched by the development of insulin analogs, engineered by the pharmaceutical industry to make it possible to match insulin administration more closely to physiological needs.
A timely book because the moment has come to review the efficacy, safety and potential advantages of these new compounds.
This is the first aim of this book. The second is to describe how the very concept of insulin therapy has been fundamentally changed in terms of practice and patient acceptance.
The advantages are great:
– general remarks on basal-bolus protocols
– acceptance thereof by patients despite the increased number of injections
– a degree of liberation from the threat of severe hypoglycemia
– new freedoms—so essential to everyday quality of life: lie-ins, missed meals, ritual fasting, etc.
– lack of progress in pump modalities despite improved compensation
– intense interest in the idea of functional insulin therapy
In addition to providing well-referenced, theoretical information on diabetes treatment, this book also gives practical tips on specific clinical situations in which insulin therapy is complicated: children, the elderly, pregnant women, pump administration, acute attacks, functional insulin therapy, …
- Insulin analogs, a revolution in insulin therapy
- From pancreas extracts to insulin analogs: a brief history of insulin therapy
- Current epidemiological data on treatment protocols for Type 2 diabetes in France
- Chemical structures and characteristics
- Clinical trials
- Safety
- Fast-acting insulin analogs and portable pumps
- Insulin analogs and pediatrics
- Mixed and "pre-mixed" analogs
- Insulin analogs and functional insulin therapy
- Insulin analogs and intensive care
- Insulin analogs and pregnancy
- Insulin analogs: practical tips on use in the elderly
- New applications for insulin analogs: athletes
- Insulin analogs and fasting or special diets
- Questions and answers
- References