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Pages: 128
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0755-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 23/06/2010

Book written in french
Every year, the Health Economy Meeting brings together the best-known representatives of national institutional bodies and universities active in the sector to update the basic themes giving us a better understanding of healthcare systems and their medical-economic stakes.
The aim of this 10th Meeting was to answer the rather provocative question : "has the patient seized power?"
In his opening speech, François Grémy gives an idea of the complexity and the multidisciplinary nature of the questions raised concerning the concept of power and the patient.
Three approaches are then taken to the question: history and the rise of patient associations, patients' legal rights and finally, the patient's right to choose.
The role played by patients in research, their involvement in group choices in healthcare and the role they play in institutions are then discussed.
The second part of the book deals with the study of patient sociology, the question of patient information and the hazards of Internet, and the role played by patients in the reimbursement of healthcare costs.
Each of these sections is followed by an intellectually open scientific debate going deeper into the subjects discussed.
The ethical point of view is dealt with by Patrick Vespieren, who highlights the importance of the bond of trust between doctor and patient, with each fulfilling his role and maintaining a united front against disease.
- Introduction
Jean-Noël Bail
- Have patients seized power?
François Grémy
- A historical view and the emergence of patient associations
Jean-François Girard
- Patients' rights
Didier Tabuteau
- Can patients choose?
Claude Le Pen
- The role of patients in research Micheline Bernard-Harlaut
- Involving patients in group choices, Gérard de Pouvourville
- The role of patients in institutions
Christian Saout
- Sociology of patient associations viewed by the GRAM (Patient association reflexion group, Inserm), Martine Bungener
- Patient information and the hazards of Internet
Pascale Jolliet
- The role of patients in the reimbursement of healthcare costs: the example of rheumatoid arthritis, Laurence Carton
- Conclusion: an ethical viewpoint