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Pages: 166
ISBN : 2-7420-0176-X
Printed in: French
Discipline: Medicine

Magnesium is the preponderant mineral both on the earth's surface and in the oceans. It also makes up a large part of the human body.
It is a particularly interesting substance for public health because it is inexpensive, freely available, easy to handle, has a low toxicity risk and is useful in numerous clinical situations.
The first part of this book takes a look at commonly agreed current knowledge of magnesium biochemistry and highlights the biological consequences that make it easier to understand how and why it can be used in prophylaxis and therapy.
The second part deals with the clinical aspects of magnesium and examines the metabolic disturbances observed in the most widespread pathologies.
Finally, a comprehensive chapter is devoted to the prescription of magnesium supplements and the related indications for use.
• Aspect fondamental
- Propriétés biochimiques du magnésium
- Homéostasie du magnésium
- Répartition du magnésium dans l’organisme
- Métabolisme du magnésium
- Rôles biologiques du magnésium
Aspects cliniques
- Le magnésium dans l’alimentation
- Les déficits en magnésium
- Les hypermagnésémies
- Magnésium et alcoolodépendance
- Magnésium et sport
- Magnésium et stress
- Magnésium, asthme et allergie
- Magnésium et maladies cardiovasculaires
- Magnésium et diabète sucré
- Magnésium et cancer
- Magnésium et gynécologie-obstétrique
- Prescription du magnésium
- Magnésium et spasmophilie