Le cancer chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes

Enquête sociologique dans les services de soins

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Comprendre les enjeux médicaux, psychologiques et sociaux des prises en charge de ces jeunes malades

Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 176
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1677-8
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1684-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 03/06/2021

Available, June

This book presents the results of a sociological survey conducted in France over several years among young people aged 15 to 25 with cancer. By describing their daily life in health care services, the book gives an account of the medical, educational and ethical issues that structure the management of cancer at this age. They are addressed in three parts: Entry into the disease, Care and Perspectives, all of which are rich in testimonials from patients, relatives and caregivers.

The desire not to reduce these young people to the identity of a patient, to consider them above all as "normal" despite the disease, is examined in relation to the historical evolution of the place given to adolescents and young adults in the hospital, in medicine and in society as a whole. In this, the book shows that adapting care to needs thought to be specific to sick young people profoundly influences practices of support for autonomy, educational, family and school norms, and also conditions the experience of illness and care for these young people.

It is a fascinating read, and essential for all actors involved in the therapeutic and psychological follow-up of young patients in a care structure.

by Thibaud Pombet

Sociologist, research associate at Lirtes and post-doctoral fellow at Cermes3 in the context of a research project on health partnerships. A specialist in the fields of education and health, his research focuses on the support of young people at the interface of health, social and school systems.

Thibaud Pombet

Sociologue, chercheur associé au Lirtes et post-doctorant au Cermes3 dans le cadre d’une recherche portant sur les partenariats en santé. Spécialiste dans les domaines de l'éducation et de la santé, ses recherches portent sur l'accompagnement des publics jeunes à l'interface des dispositifs sanitaires, sociaux et scolaires.

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