La sclérose en plaques : conseils de vie au quotidien

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Pages: 240
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1586-3
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1642-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 14/11/2019

In France, more than 90,000 people suffer from multiple sclerosis, and 2,000 new cases are reported each year. The onset of this chronic disease in a family is often experienced as a trauma. It is a lifetime that will have to be rethought as the disease progresses.

The risk of disability associated with this disease has a psychological impact that requires specific care but also significant support from those around it. Especially since, while physical disability is well recognized, some symptoms are at the root of an "invisible disability", such as fatigue. And patients often complain of a feeling of misunderstanding in their surroundings.

This book therefore fills a gap by providing patients and their families, in clear and didactic language, with essential information to better understand the disease and its difficulties. Very accessible and enhanced with testimonies and practical advice, it will allow them to have a more realistic vision of the disease and its impact on daily life.

Under the direction of Professor Bruno Brochet

Professor Bruno Brochet is head of the neurology department at the Bordeaux University Hospital, which includes the Bordeaux MS (multiple sclerosis) resource and competence centre. He chairs the medical and scientific committee of the French League against Multiple Sclerosis (LFSEP). He is also co-chair of the scientific council of the French Multiple Sclerosis Observatory (OFSEP).

Sous la direction du Professeur Bruno Brochet

Le Professeur Bruno Brochet est chef de service de neurologie au CHU de Bordeaux, au sein duquel se trouve le centre de ressources et de compétences SEP (sclérose en plaques) de Bordeaux. Il préside le comité médical et scientifique de la Ligue française contre la sclérose en plaques (LFSEP). Il est également co-président du conseil scientifique de l’Observatoire français de la sclérose en plaques (OFSEP).