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Co-Publisher: Syndicat National de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique/Agence du Medicament/John Libbey Eurotext
Pages: 90
ISBN : 2-7420-0124-7
Printed in: French
Discipline: Medicine

The national pharmacovigilance workshops provide an opportunity for health professionals involved in the safe use of medication to reflect and to pool their methodological and scientific experience and concerns.
Two years ago, a decree entitled "Good Pharmacovigilance Practice" set out the modalities to be followed in applying safety procedures and in cooperation between drug companies, the regional pharmacovigilance centers and the Medication Agency.
Now is therefore an appropriate time to take stock of the situation, paying special attention to the following subjects:
• Pharmacovigilance for vaccines
• Application of the investigation procedure set out in "Good
• Pharmacovigilance Practice"
• Criteria for assessing the seriousness of side-effects: definitions and limits
• Pharmacovigilance in the European Union

An essential work for all health professionals: drug producers and researchers, the industry and administrators.